Tuesday, May 19, 2009

last school paper

I have one paper left
It is due in precisely
23 hours and 13 minutes.
and four finals left
before I am DONE

last spring,
featuring blue skies
and gentle breezes
all the tiny things
you left behind.

Ah me, another rainy
I'm so very close,
but all I want
so I gave in

and let the music have its way.
and let the music have its way.
and let the music have its way.

It was lovely.
The cloudy day
and mood music
Only the peaceful songs
(also only
the melancholy songs).

When I want peace,
this is what appears...
something more upbeat,
to simply pound

about those vague memories
three afternoons of work
two physics homework assignments,
I'm not sure why this is my
favorite music, but it really is.

Ah me, another rainy
I'm so very close,
but all I want
so I gave in

and let the music have its way.
and let the music have its way.
and let the music have its way.

that come into my mind
I vaguely remember
one paper left
two Philosophy classes
and two Physics Classes

and cool enough to be
is sleep this afternoon
it came with the room;
for an hour or so.
I had nothing to do with it--honest!
don't help my lethargy

I love the stories
even if I don't turn on
I find myself humming
Today it was Tchaikovky's
one of Yo-yo Ma's
Though if you were to ask me,

classical music is not
for the life of me
and honestly that goes for pop
their voices or music
are quite distinct

Ah me, another rainy
I'm so very close,
but all I want
so I gave in

and let the music have its way.
and let the music have its way.
and let the music have its way.

here I am rambling
when I ought to be writing
I care about American policy
I can hardly express how little

Since the energy crisis in '73
the supplier is only as stable as
human rights we have ignored
and threats to national security

my favorite--but with this music--
and information about their songs
it seems like you're just talking
about a friend like Bing Crosby,
for example, or the Beach Boys

if only I could make that into
politicalese and stick it
in a memo.

Humm, it's stopped raining. Isn't
life ironic? Anyhow, I most definitely need
to write that paper now.